sabato 29 settembre 2018

B - 26 SUN.O.T.

2 commenti:

  1. FAUSTI - Our unity is to go after Him, who leads us out of all the fences and opens us up to everyone, beginning with the most distant and the excluded.
    Being with Him, the Son, unites us to the Father and to our brothers and sisters, and forms a "us" that is not bounded by a hedge of property, but by an internal drive of sympathy towards all...
    And each one becomes a person in his indelible relationship with Him, the Lord.
    In the Name of Jesus the church embraces everyone and excludes no one...
    But whoever excludes one, excludes the One who has become the last of all.
    Besides not being Catholic, he is not even Christian: he does not yet have the Spirit of the Son who, knowing the love of the Father, died for all his brothers and sisters.
    Jesus is the sun. With Him in the center, we all rotate harmoniously, each following its own orbit. Diversity does not sound like a threat to anyone, it is not the object of fear and envy. It is a sign of wealth and a reason for blessing the One who gives all good.
    Jesus, as the centre of the Community, is the heart of all our actions and decisions.
    His Name is not something foreign to what we do. It's like the direction given to the arrow, which makes it reach the target.
    In Him, man finds his own authentic existence, that of son and brother.
    Outside of Him he is out of himself; he fails and falls into nothing of himself.
    That is why Jesus says: "Without me, you can do nothing".
    Entry into the Kingdom of the Father is not played out in exceptional things, but in the smallness of the simplest and most necessary.
    The reward for behaving as a brother is being a son.
    Love is manifested more in deeds than in words. In the small and daily services it reveals itself more purely than in the large and extraordinary ones, in which self-assertion easily plays a role.
    Every human action assumes its quality from intention.
    For this reason, even the slightest gesture made in His name has the greatest dignity, which will never be lost. "Welcome one another, as Christ received you" (Rom 15:7).

    Are you jealous of me? If all were prophets in the people!
    From the Book of Numbers 11,25-29
    In those days, the Lord went down into the cloud and spoke to Moses: he took away part of the spirit that was upon him and placed it on top of the seventy old men; when the spirit was laid upon them, they prophesied, but did not do so later. But two men remained in the camp, one called Eldad and the other Medad. And the spirit rested upon them; they were among the members, but they had not gone out to go to the tent. They began to prophesy in the camp. A young man ran to Moses to tell him, and said, "Eldad and Medad prophesy in the camp. Joshua, the son of Nun, Moses' servant since his adolescence, spoke and said, "Moses, my lord, prevent them. But Moses said to him, "Are you jealous for me? If they were all prophets in the Lord's people, and if they wanted the Lord to place his spirit on them.
    Word of God.

    R. The Lord's precepts make the heart rejoice.
    The law of the Lord is perfect,
    restores the soul;
    The testimony of the Lord is stable,
    makes the simple wise. R.
    The fear of the Lord is pure,
    remains forever;
    the judgments of the Lord are faithful,
    they're all right. R.
    Your servant is also enlightened,
    for those who observe them, the profit is great.
    Who discerns the inadvertences?
    Absolve me from hidden sins. R.
    Also from pride save thy servant
    because he has no power over me;
    then I will be blameless,
    I will be pure as a great sin. R.

    Your riches are rotten.
    From the letter of St. James the Apostle 5,1-6
    And now to you, rich people: weep and cry for the misfortunes that will fall on you! Your riches are rotten, your clothes are eaten by moths. Your gold and silver are consumed by rust, their rust will rise to accuse you and devour your flesh like a fire. You have accumulated treasures for the last few days! Behold, the wages of the workers who have reaped on your lands, and whom you have not paid, cry out, and the protests of the reapers have come to the ears of the Almighty Lord. On earth you have lived in the midst of pleasures and delights, and you have gained weight for the day of the massacre. You have condemned and killed the righteous, and he has not resisted you.
    Word of God.

    SINGING TO THE BANGEL (cf. Jn 17:17)
    R. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    Your word, Lord, is truth:
    Consecrate us in truth.
    R. Hallelujah.

    Who is not against us, is for us. If your hand is a cause for scandal to you, cut it off.
    + From the Gospel according to Mark 9,38-43.45.47-48
    At that time, John said to Jesus, "Master, we saw someone chasing demons in your name and we wanted to prevent him from doing so because he was not following us. But Jesus said: "Do not stop him, because there is no one who will work a miracle in my name and immediately speak ill of me: whoever is not against us is for us. For whoever gives you a glass of water in my name to drink because you are of Christ, verily I say to you, will not lose his reward. Whoever scandalizes only one of these little ones who believes in me, it is much better for him that a millstone be placed around his neck and thrown into the sea. If your hand is a cause of scandal for you, cut it off: it is better for you to enter into life with one hand, rather than with two hands to go into Geenna, into the unquenchable fire. And if your foot is a cause of scandal for you, cut it off: it is better for you to enter life with only one foot, rather than with two feet being thrown into the Geènna. And if your eye is a cause of scandal for you, throw it away: it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than with two eyes be thrown into Geenna, where their worm does not die and the fire does not die out.
    Word of the Lord.


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