sabato 13 ottobre 2018


2 commenti:

  1. FAUSTI - "All is possible with God," Jesus replied to the disciples when they finally understood that no one could save himself. In fact, we are all rich, deprived of child poverty, essential to welcome the Kingdom. But recognizing this impossibility is already a principle of salvation. Indeed, to see one's own perdition means to be reduced to extreme poverty, a necessary condition to accept that only God saves.
    The story is divided into three scenes.
    The first presents us with a rich man who, beyond the good intentions of entering the Kingdom, seems to have all the required qualities. Will the encounter with Jesus make possible the impossible by making him recognize the Lord and freeing him from the idol that enslaves him? Jesus tries to put him on this path, telling him that only God is good and that he can now leave everything and decide to follow Him, but the attachment to his possessions makes him blind. In the alternative God / Mammon, he chooses Mammon; in the end, instead of the joy of those who have found the treasure, he has the sadness of those who know they are lost; the Lord, when he gives joy in good, thus gives sadness in evil so that one can repent.
    The second scene shows us Jesus' statements about the impossibility of salvation and the dismayed astonishment of the disciples. We are all too old to enter the realm of children: we are camels trying to pass through the eye of a needle, and recognizing this impossibility makes us small. The richer we are, the more we find ourselves unable and poor in the face of what matters.
    The third scene shows us Peter's wonderful observation: how the disciples followed the Lord, fulfilling this passage that leads to the Kingdom... His call and Word made them poor and small, making them discover the priceless treasure for which everything is left, the disciple is the one who, in His sight, discovered the only good, defeated by the Lord, like Paul, he lets everything fall and runs to reach Him.
    His relationship with things becomes what it was at the beginning, according to God's plan; free from idolatry, the disciple lives them as a gift, receiving them from the Father and sharing them with his brothers and sisters; the Kingdom is loving Jesus who became our brother in order to be met and embraced by us; and He became the last, because we love the poorest loves Him; and in loving Him, we all love Him.

  2. Book of Wisdom 7:7-11.
    So I prayed, and discernment was given to me. I begged, and the spirit of Wisdom came into me.
    I preferred her to the thrones and sceptics; beside her, I considered wealth to be nothing;
    I have not compared it to the most precious stone; all the gold in the world near it is only a little sand, and in front of it, the silver will be seen as mud.
    More than health and beauty, I loved it; I chose it rather than light, because its clarity does not fade away.
    All the goods have come to me with her and, through her hands, an incalculable wealth.
    Psalm 90(89),12-13.14-15.16-17.
    Teach us the true measure these days:
    that our hearts may penetrate wisdom.
    Come back, Lord, why delay?

    Ravis yourself out of respect for your servants.
    Fill us with your love in the morning,
    that we spend our days in joy and song.

    Give us joy in your days of punishment and in the years when we knew misfortune.
    Make your work known to your servants and your splendour to their sons.
    May the sweetness of the Lord our God come upon us! Strengthen for us the work of our hands; yes, strengthen the work of our hands.
    Letter to the Hebrews 4:12-13.
    Brothers, it is alive, the word of God, energetic and more sharp than a two-edged sword; it goes to the point of sharing the soul and the spirit, the joints and the marrow; it judges the intentions and thoughts of the heart.
    Not a creature escapes his eyes, everything is naked before him, subjected to his gaze; we will have to answer to him.

    Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Mark 10:17-30.
    At that time, Jesus was on his way when a man ran up and, falling to his knees, asked him: "Good Master, what must I do to have eternal life as an inheritance? »
    Jesus said to him, "Why say that I am good? No one is good, except God alone.
    You know the commandments: "Do not commit murder, do not commit adultery, do not commit theft, do not bear false witness, do not harm anyone, honour your father and mother."
    The man replied, "Master, I have observed all this since my youth. »
    Jesus looked at him and loved him. He said to him: "Only one thing is missing: go, sell what you have and give it to the poor; then you will have a treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. »
    But he, at these words, became dark and went away sad, for he had great possessions.
    Then Jesus looked around him and said to his disciples: "How difficult it will be for those who possess riches to enter the kingdom of God! »
    The disciples were amazed by these words. Jesus, taking up the word again, said to them: "My children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God!
    It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. »
    Increasingly confused, the disciples asked each other, "But then who can be saved? »
    Jesus looked at them and said: "For men this is impossible, but not for God; for everything is possible to God. »
    Peter began to say to Jesus, "Behold, we have left everything to follow you. »
    Jesus said: "I tell you, "For my sake and for the sake of the Gospel, no one will have left a house, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children or land
    without him receiving, in this time already, the hundredfold: houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and lands, with persecutions, and, in the world to come, eternal life.


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