sabato 22 settembre 2018

B - 25 SUN.O.T.

1 commento:

  1. FAUSTI - Jesus sits in the position of the Teacher who teaches. Now he calls the Twelve to show their true identity, which they will have to live and announce. One can say that here Jesus gives the New Law, His Law. "If one wants to be first, be last of all and servant of all", is a definition of Jesus, who is first as last of all and servant of all.
    It becomes the fundamental norm of the new people. The primacy of love replaces that of selfishness. Freedom, which makes us like God, is making us slaves of one another out of love.
    Thus begins the instruction that follows the second prediction of the Passion. It will conclude with a similar statement: "Many of the first will be the last and the last the first". In fact, the Son of Man came to serve and give his life for all.
    Minority and service are the sign of the Spirit of Christ.
    He offers His disciples this criterion of realization as healing from the thirst for protagonism, the principle of destruction.
    He, the last and servant of all, identifies himself with the child.
    The child needs care, love and absolute respect.
    But this is the need that every man has to be happy.
    God Himself, by His nature, is pure acceptance, given and received, mutual love between Father and Son.
    The Name of Jesus, the Son, is the only place of Truth of man, who in him is himself, that is, son.
    For this reason there is no salvation in anyone else.
    Acting in His Name is the principle of Communion and Life.
    Acting in one's own name - personal or collective - is the principle of disintegration and death.
    Without love one can also serve, by simple self-affirmation or by guilt.
    But it cannot be accepted.
    To accept is to deny oneself and affirm the other, to shrink in order to leave space for him, to let oneself be invaded and taken without invading and taking him. It is the very reality of God Love, whose Life is the mutual acceptance between Father and Son.
    To accept the little one in the name of the Son is to accept the same Father: one enters the Mystery of the Trinity.


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