sabato 24 novembre 2018


1 commento:

  1. FAUSTI - It was dawn. After the rooster crow, the darkness ends and the light comes in.
    Jesus' political process takes place from morning to sixth hour, from sunrise on the horizon to the highest point in the sky.
    The light that comes into the world breaks the darkness and grows until it reaches its majestic fullness on the Cross.
    Here, the King of Glory manifests himself.
    The chief priests and their servants, also called "the Jews", lead Jesus to the courtroom. This is the residence of the Roman governor at the feasts, where he lived to control the crowds that came to Jerusalem.
    Jesus is therefore led by the Roman authority to carry out the sentence already decided.
    by the religious authority without trial.
    This is how the Lamb of God passes from the leaders of Israel to the leadership of the Gentiles: he is the Savior of the world, who comes from the Jews.
    Jesus, with his Royalty, reveals to us the truth of God and man. He is the Messiah revealed to David. He liberates not only the people of Israel, but the whole world because he refuses to dominate and undertakes to serve them.
    He brings us out of oppression not by the power of those who oppress more, but by the strength of those who love more.
    Jesus is the Messiah shouted out by the crowd, is rejected because, instead of tanks and horses, he chooses the donkey, gentle and humble like Him.
    But it is precisely in this way that He delivers us from all the power of death.
    Pilate therefore asked Jesus if he was the Messiah. He asks Him what He has done.
    The whole Gospel is the answer to this question.
    The signs that Jesus performed show His royalty: He gave beautiful wine at the wedding and salvation to those who were about to die, He raised the paralytic, offered bread and walked on water, He gave sight to the blind and life to the dead.
    Its sovereignty is the same as that of God, who gives what is love and life.
    These are the signs of His royalty that will shine fully on the Cross.
    He is the King promised by God to the descendants of David, who will reign forever: His power is that of washing feet, His dignity is that of being among us as the One who serves.
    It is the handsome Shepherd who frees his sheep, exposing, disposing, and giving Life for them.
    Jesus confirms that He is King. Not only Jews, but all of them.
    He is the divine King who comes from Heaven, who frees his sheep by exposing, disposing and giving His Life for them.
    Jesus confirms that He is King. Not only Jews, but all of them.
    It is the divine King who comes from Heaven.
    He reveals to us the Truth that sets us free. He shows us that we are children of God, loved by the Father.
    Then, for those who do not close their eyes, the Truth will automatically dissolve the lie, just as the Light extinguishes the nightmare of darkness.
    The Kingdom of Jesus is that of the martyr: it comes only from the knowledge and witness of the Truth, at its own expense, like the prophets.
    The poor are the permanent court of the Crucified One who judges history: what we do or do not do for them, saves us or destroys us.
    Pilate is called, like everyone else, to come out of the lie and listen to the voice of the One who is the Truth.
    "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" says Jesus.
    Whoever dwells in His Word will know the Truth.
    Those who prefer power to Truth cannot listen to it or understand it.
    To be of the Truth means to accept the Truth as the principle of one's own life.
    Those who do so are ready to listen to Him: open their hearts to His Word, open their eyes to reality and heal from His illusions.
    Truth has a voice with which it calls us: it is the voice of the innocent who has been struck by evil.
    He who defends the weak, sooner or later, comes out of blindness and knows the Truth.


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