sabato 10 novembre 2018

B - 32 SUNDAY O.T.

1 commento:

  1. FAUSTI - "From his misery she threw away what she had, all her life", says Jesus of the widow.
    She is now about to leave, but leaves us an inheritance from a discreet teacher, who continues his lesson in silence. Whoever has ears to understand, understand.
    The piece is a counterpoint: you have to look at the scribes, the false masters that we love so much, and look at the widow, a true master that we prefer to ignore.
    The former have the cult of their own image: they love themselves with all their heart, and they use everything and everyone, including the Lord and His Word to excel.
    They are the successful prototype of the fundamental sin that is in the heart of every man: the protagonism, which puts the "I" in the place of God.
    The poor widow, on the other hand, alone and unnoticed, poor and humble, "throws" her whole life: it is like Jesus, who became the last of all, and put His Life at the service of all.
    She has the same Spirit as Him, she is the living gospel, in which we can always see the Face of our Master. From her is spread the good perfume of Christ, for the life of the world (2 Cor 2:14).
    The first prodigious action of Jesus was the healing of Peter's mother-in-law, so that she could serve (1:29-31). His last instruction before the eschatological discourse, almost His Testament, is to point us to this widow.
    Without her knowing it, Jesus puts her in the position of His teaching post, so that she may prolong His presence in time.
    She gives everything for the temple, which will soon be destroyed. The Temple is actually Jesus Himself, who interprets His gesture as a concrete answer to His last question. He is the Lord; faith is recognizing Him as such, loving Him with all my life, because He first loved me with all His Life.
    But this response can only mature on the tree of the cross.
    This widow is like the anticipated fruit. The sterile and dry fig tree begins to give its first fruits.

    Jesus shows us how to recognize Him as Lord and answer His previous question: how this widow throws everything she has into the treasure of the temple, helped us to throw and entrust our lives to Him.
    The disciple is represented by this woman, who acts like her Lord, doing for Him what He did for her. It is the perfect fulfillment of the Gospel.


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