sabato 17 novembre 2018


1 commento:

  1. FAUSTS - "Then they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds." At this encounter with him the whole of history is led by the wise and patient hand of God.
    Creation is on its way to the revelation of the Son of Man, in whom every man is a son in communion with the Father.
    The end of the world is not the falling of everything into nothingness, but the fulfilment of every hope beyond and above all expectations, in a fullness that no one dares to imagine.
    The invocation of the believer: "Marana - thà: come, O Lord", lends voice to the groaning of all creation, which with aspiration from vertigo tends to Him, in whom, by means of which and in view of which everything has been done.
    For he is the life of all that exists (Jn 1:3-4).
    The end of the world is not something terrible.
    It is rather the most desired end, the desired goal. Paul hopes it will happen while he still lives. It is in fact the encounter between the bride, who cries out in the Spirit. "Come" and the bridegroom who guarantees: "Yes, I will come soon" (Revelation 22,17).
    These words of Jesus present the final picture of the cosmic event.
    At the centre is the coming of the Son of Man, who marks the end of the old world with his evil and the beginning of the new one, in communion with him...
    The Lord's glorious coming and his judgment is on three levels: the past, that of the cross, where everything is fulfilled (Jn 19:30);
    one present, that of our following, and one future, when all that is already done in him and in those who follow him will be done in him.
    The first coming, witnessed to by the Word, is the norm of faith, which makes us wait for the future in hope and live the present in love...
    At the end of the world will happen what happened in the death of Jesus, when the sun darkened the meridian and the very light of the world died and sank into darkness ... Then what happened on the cross will happen - the extreme lowering of the Most High. It will not be a secret thing, but a visible one.
    He manifests himself in the cloud, because, excessive light, only by veiling himself can it be revealed...
    The glory of God - the splendour of his essence, that for which he is himself - is merciful love.
    It will be manifested to all precisely on the cross.
    The apostles are sent as heralds of God's glory - angels of His judgment on history.
    The purpose of their mission is to gather around the Crucified One all the elect...
    "Heaven and earth will pass away. The scene of this world passes. But it is not destroyed. It is transfigured, shared in the glory of its children.
    His Word remains for ever, as does his faithfulness and love. (Ps 148 - 117).
    Only he, who says "Amen", is the stable rock on which to base his life.
    The Father knows the time of the return home of all his children. Indeed, the time has already come, and it is this time to which we are all invited.
    But why is it late in the summer, if the fig tree has already given its first fruits?
    The whole of history is no more than the time of God's patience.
    Peter says: "Before the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a single day. The Lord does not delay in fulfilling his promise, as some believe. But he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but that everyone should have a way of repenting" (2 Pt 3:8).
    For he wants all men to be saved and his house to be full, but how can a father's house be full if even one son is missing?
    In the Son of Man, who became a curse and a sin for us (Galatians 3:13-2 Cor 5:12), the last of his sons has already returned home.
    For this we must celebrate and rejoice (Luke 15:22).
    This is what we celebrate in the Eucharist.


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