sabato 27 ottobre 2018

B - 30 SUNDAY O.T.

2 commenti:

  1. FAUSTI Jesus is the Light of the world (Jn 8:12), the Son of David who exercises His kingship by showing Mercy, He is the Lord who gives sight to the blind (Ps 146:8). The invocation of His Name is our salvation.
    And it saves us because it is all Mercy addressed to our misery.
    The disciple becomes a disciple through the calling of the Name of Jesus and request for His Mercy.
    This heals his blindness and he can contemplate in the Crucified One what the eye has seen nor hear heard, nor ever enter the heart of man, but which God has prepared for those who love Him.
    He is enlightened: finally seeing reality.

  2. FAUSTES - "What do you want Me do for you? asks Jesus to the blind man. It is the same question that the Gospel asks of each of us, who, like him, finds himself blind, in a position of sitting and out of the way.
    This is the decisive question of the Gospel. It is only if I am blind, and I know it, that I know what I want, and I ask Him. And we make our own the answer of the blind man: "Jesus have mercy on me. "Rabboni," Rabboni, let me see now! "
    Finally, Jesus hears the request He has always waited for.
    Only in this way can we obtain the sight: we have faith that saves, and we follow Him on His way.
    Seeing the Lord is the life of man. Born for this reason, he is always agitated until he contemplates the Face. Jesus on the Cross will tear the veil of the temple and fully will reveal God on earth.
    The purpose of all the catechesis of Jesus to his disciples and of Mark to his reader is to bring here, where the last miracle is done, the definitive one: the healing of blindness.
    This miracle is a baptismal illumination that brings us into being, out of darkness into the light.
    It is the gift of the Spirit to see what Jesus is doing in Jerusalem and to examine the depths of God in the Crucified One. In the Gospel of Mark, this blind man is the only one - after the demons - but in a very different way - who calls Jesus by His Name. He has a personal relationship of knowledge and familiarity with him. To call Jesus is to pronounce His Name, the only one in which there is salvation.
    This blind man is a mirror for each of us. Listening, he has heard God's promise, and he can desire and ask what God wants to give us. The invocation of Jesus' Name makes him jump on his feet, throw his cloak, go to Him, pray to Him and get his sight, so that he can follow Him on his way.

    From this story, faith is ear to hear, mouth to invoke, feet to come to Him, hands to throw the cloak and eyes to see and follow Him.
    Its principle is the recognized misery, its means are the invocation of Mercy, its accomplishment is the illumination that shows the Lord.
    Jesus is the Light of the world (Jn 8:12), the Son of David who exercises his kingdom with mercy, the Lord who gives sight to the blind (Ps 146:8). The invocation of His Name is our salvation. And He saves us because He is the Mercy of our misery.
    The disciple is begotten as such by the invocation of the Name of Jesus and His Mercy.
    Thus he heals from his blindness and can contemplate in the Crucified One what the eye has never seen, nor the ear has ever listened, nor has it ever entered the hearts of men and what God has prepared for those who love Him...
    He is enlightened: he finally sees reality.


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