venerdì 10 agosto 2018


2 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI - Jesus takes an example from creation to indicate the mystery of the new creation.
    He, who is the Word, Bread and Life, compares himself to the seed of wheat, which exerts its vital force precisely when it falls into the earth. The destiny of the seed, which produces according to its species, is the same as that of the Son of man, just as the seed falls into the earth, dies and bears much fruit, so Jesus, lifted up from the earth, attracts all men to himself and communicates to them his life as Son.
    If he did not love his brothers and sisters, he would lose his identity as a son.
    The same applies to every man, created in Him. Selfishness is sterile, the seed that wanted to keep itself, would remain alone and would lose its quality of seed: it would not communicate life. This is true for every
    man : the selfish, attached to his own life, folds back on himself and remains alone. He loses his life, because life is relationship and love. Whoever wants to hold his breath dies suffocated. One lives because one inhales and exhales: life circulates because it is received and given out of love.
    Life is in fact love: it is realized in the gift of oneself.
    To serve is the concrete expression of love: love is the servant of life. Those who do not love are slaves to death.
    Jesus invites those who want to become like him to follow him, following his own path The abode of Jesus is the Father, who loves the Son and loves the world so much that he gives the Son (3:16).
    We too are called to dwell in the Father through love.
    Love makes one who loves the beloved's home. Following Jesus who becomes a servant, we too are where he is: we live like him in the Father and vice versa.
    Whoever becomes a servant is honoured by the Father as a son. He who loves and serves to the point of giving his life, has conquered death and has life: he receives that name which is above all other names.

  2. Singing to the Gospel (Jn 8:12)
    Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness,
    but it will have the light of life, says the Lord.


    Gv 12,24-26
    If the grain of wheat dies, it produces a lot of fruit.

    + From the Gospel according to John

    At that time, Jesus said to his disciples:
    "Verily, verily, verily, I say unto you, If the grain of corn which fell into the ground should not die, it should be left alone; but if it should die, it should bear much fruit.
    He who loves his life, loses it and he who hates his life in this world, will keep it for eternal life.
    If anyone wants to serve me, follow me, and where I am, there will also be my servant. If one serves me, the Father will honor him.

    Word of the Lord


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