venerdì 31 agosto 2018

B - 22 SUNDAY O.T.

2 commenti:

  1. First reading Dt 4,1-2.6-8
    You will not add anything to what I command you ... you will observe the Lord's commands.
    From the book of Deuteronòmio
    Moses spoke to the people saying:
    "Now, Israel, listen to the laws and the norms that I teach you, so that you can put them into practice, so that you may live and enter into possession of the land that the Lord, God of your fathers, is about to give you.
    You will not add anything to what I command you and you will not take anything away from it; but you will keep the commands of the Lord your God, which I command you.
    You will observe them, and put them into practice, because that will be your wisdom and your intelligence in the eyes of the peoples, who, hearing about all these laws, will say: "This great nation is the only wise and intelligent people".
    For what great nation does the gods have so close to him, how the Lord our God is near us every time we invoke him? And what great nation has just laws and norms like all this legislation that I am giving you today? "

    God's word
    Responsorial psalm

    Sal 14

    Whoever fears the Lord will dwell in his tent.

    He who walks without guilt,
    practice justice
    and he tells the truth he has in his heart,
    he does not spread slanders with his tongue.

    He does not harm his neighbor
    and does not send insults to his neighbor.
    The wicked is contemptible in his eyes
    but he honors those who fear the Lord.

    He does not lend his money to usury
    and does not accept gifts against the innocent.
    The one who acts this way
    it will remain firmly forever.
    Second reading

    Jn 1,17-18.21-22.27
    Be of those who put the Word into practice.

    From the letter of St. James the apostle

    My dear brothers, every good gift and every perfect gift come from above and descend from the Father, creator of light: with him there is no variation or shadow of change. By his will he has generated us through the word of truth, to be a firstfruit of his creatures.
    Accept with docility the Word that has been planted in you and can bring you to salvation. Be of those who put the Word into practice, and not just listeners, deluding yourselves.
    Religion pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit the orphans and widows in suffering and not to be contaminated by this world.
    God's word
    Song to the Gospel (Gc 1,18)
    Alleluia, alleluia.
    By his will the Father has generated us
    by means of the word of truth,
    to be a first fruit of his creatures.

  2. Alleluia.

    Mk 7,1-8.14-15.21-23
    Neglecting the commandment of God, you observe the tradition of men.
    From the Gospel according to Mark

    At that time, the Pharisees and some of the scribes who came from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus.
    Having seen that some of his disciples took food with unclean hands, that is not washed - the Pharisees in fact and all the Jews do not eat if they have not washed their hands carefully, sticking to the tradition of the ancients and, returning from the market, they do not eat without having made the ablutions, and observed many other things by tradition, such as washing glasses, crockery, objects of copper and beds - those Pharisees and scribes questioned him: "Because your disciples do not behave according to the tradition of the ancients, but do they take food with unclean hands? "
    And he answered them, "Well hath prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written:
    "This people honors me with their lips,
    but his heart is far from me.
    In vain they worship me,
    teaching doctrines that are precepts of men ".
    Ignoring the commandment of God, you observe the tradition of men ".
    Calling the crowd again, he said to them: "Listen to me all and understand well! There is nothing outside the man who, by entering him, can make him unclean. But it is the things that come out of man to make him unclean ». And he said [to his disciples]: "From within, in fact, from the hearts of men come out the intentions of evil: impurity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, debauchery, envy, slander, pride, folly. All these bad things come from within and make man impure. "

    Word of the Lord


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