venerdì 10 agosto 2018

B - 19 SUNDAY O.T.

1 commento:

  1. S. FAUSTI - Speaking of flesh and blood, one alludes to the cross, where Jesus will give his Body and shed his Blood.
    It is precisely his humanity that gives man that of which everything is a sign: God himself as a gift of himself.
    Through it we enter into communion with the Son of God who became the Son of man.
    Every other bread is a symbol of this, which is reality. That is why we take every crumb of bread,
    every reality - however small it may be - as a sign of the Father's love, we give thanks to Him and
    we share with our brothers and sisters, circulating the life of the Son in all things and for all.
    The Eucharist is truly salvation for us and for the whole world. In fact, it makes us children in the Son,
    in communion with the Father, with our brothers and sisters, and with all creation.
    What is not the object of the Eucharist is dead and infected with death.
    This ending of the dialogue allows us to enter into the mystery of that surplus of bread that is now present
    in every fragment of creation: it is God Himself who gives us to live of Him, of His love.
    It is worth repeating: whoever gives something, in reality gives himself.
    In fact, every gift implies the gift of oneself.
    In the gift of the flesh and blood of the Son, the gift of God is revealed and fulfilled.
    Let us welcome Him as our Father and ourselves as children. And we rejoice in this by saying: "Amen".

    Creation, exodus and covenant find their fullness in the Eucharist. It is the feast of the seventh
    day, the freedom of the children, the marriage between Creator and creature, the rest of the one in the other.
    Before a God who gives himself to us - how can he not give Himself if it is love? -
    there's nothing but amazement and endless joy.
    Jesus gives his flesh and blood as food and drink of the new exodus.
    His humanity, totally offered to us, makes visible that invisible God.
    which is all and only love: in him the new and definitive covenant between heaven and earth is celebrated.
    The Church eats and drinks of Him, true bread that assimilates us to Him and makes us capable of loving
    let's share the same love that we're loved with. Let us thus participate in the life of the Trinity,
    eternal love between Father and Son
    that spreads to all creatures,
    so that God may be all in everyone.


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