sabato 23 giugno 2018


2 commenti:

  1. Is 49,1-6
    I will make you light of nations.
    From the book of the prophet Isaiah

    Listen to me, or islands,
    Hear carefully, faraway nations;
    The Lord from the womb has called me,
    from my mother's lap to my name.
    He made my mouth like a sharp sword,
    he hid me in the shadow of his hand,
    made me a sharp-pointed arrow,
    put me back in his quiver.
    He said to me, "My servant you are, Israel,
    on which I shall manifest my glory."
    I replied, "I worked in vain,
    for nothing and in vain I have consumed my strength.
    But, of course, my right is with the Lord,
    my reward from my God."
    Now the Lord has spoken,
    who has shaped me his servant from the womb
    to bring Jacob back to him
    and to him reunite Israel
    - for I had been honored by the Lord
    and God had been my strength -
    and said, "It's too little for you to be my servant.
    to restore the tribes of Jacob
    and bring back the survivors of Israel.
    I will make you the light of the nations,
    so that I may bring my salvation
    to the end of the earth."

    Word of God

    Responsorial psalm

    Sal 138

    I thank you. You've made me a wonderful marvel.

    Lord, you scrutinize me and know me,
    you know when I sit down and when I get up,
    you mean my thoughts from afar,
    observe my path and my rest,
    all my ways are known to you.

    It is you who formed my kidneys
    and you woven me into my mother's lap.
    I thank you:
    you made me a wonderful wonder.

    Your works are wonderful,
    fully recognizes my soul.
    My bones were not hidden from you
    when I was being formed in secret,
    embroidered in the depths of the earth.
    Second reading

    Acts 13,22-26
    John had prepared the coming of Christ.

    From the Acts of the Apostles
    In those days, [in the synagogue of Antioch of Pisidia,] Paul said:
    "God raised up David for our fathers as king, to whom he gave this testimony: "I have found David, son of Jesse, man according to my heart; he will do all my will.
    From his seed, according to the promise, God sent Jesus as savior for Israel. John had prepared his coming by preaching a baptism of conversion to all the people of Israel.
    John said at the end of his mission: "I am not what you think! But behold, one comes after me, to whom I am not worthy to untie my sandals.
    Brothers, sons of the lineage of Abraham, and all those of you who are afraid of God, the word of this salvation has been sent to us.

    Word of God

    Singing to the Gospel (Lk 1:76)
    Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    You, child, will be called prophet of the Most High
    because you're going before the Lord to prepare the way for him.

    Lc 1,57-66.80
    John is his name.

    From the Gospel according to Luke

    For Elizabeth the time of childbirth was fulfilled and she gave birth to a son. The neighbours and relatives heard that the Lord had manifested his great mercy in her, and rejoiced with her.
    Eight days later they came to circumcise the child and wanted to call him by the name of his father, Zacharias. But his mother intervened: "No, his name will be John". They said to her: "There is no one of your kinship who is called by this name".
    Then they nodded to her father about what he wanted his name to be. He asked for a tablet and wrote: "John is his name". Everyone was amazed. Instantly his mouth and tongue opened, and he spoke blessing God.
    All their neighbors were taken by fear, and all these things were discussed throughout the mountainous region of Judea. All those who heard them, kept them in their hearts, saying, "What will this child be?". And indeed the hand of the Lord was with him.
    The child grew and strengthened in spirit. He lived in deserted regions until the day of his manifestation in Israel.

    Word of the Lord

  2. FAUSTI - The center of the story is the question about the name to give to the fruit of the promise made to Zechariah. The name indicates the person, his unique and unrepeatable value. One exists if and as others call it. It is a relationship, of which the name is an expression. The true name of man is given only by God. One is himself in his relationship with him: made by him and for him, he is called by him with an ineffable name of love, which makes him exist as he is, in his image and likeness.
    Before him he has his own face.
    In the breeze of the day, God came down to converse with Adam (Gen 3:8). Then he was himself, without hiding, fear or mask, and grew in his own name, the "you" of the One who calls him and makes him exist as "I".
    But then, after sin, he hid from his npme and from his face. He became a flight and a fear. Obeying the lie of the serpent, he lost his identity and made it consist in his terrors.
    That is why it is said in the Revelation that the winner will be given "a white stone on which is written a new name, which no one knows but the one who receives it" (Rev 2:17).
    The saved one receives again the profound mystery of his own self, according to his particular image of God.
    Beyond that of each one, there is a common name, almost the surname of the whole human family. It is twofold, there is one false: it is our being children of the serpent, unfortunate children of wrath (Eph 2:3), generated by the word of lie that we have listened to (Jn 8:43).
    In John, instead, we are presented with our true surname: John means "gift, grace and love of God" His Love that gives me the grace of everything is my truth and nature as a man.
    I am His gift of love. The first gift of God to me is myself, the last is Him in person, who in His Love becomes me more than I am. The great mystery of my name will only be fully revealed at the end of my marriage to God. Then each one receives that name that no one has ever supposed: God Himself who gives Himself and identifies Himself with Christ, making one flesh.


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