sabato 30 giugno 2018

B - 13 SUNDAY O.T.

2 commenti:

  1. (Mt 8,17)
    Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    Our Savior Jesus Christ conquered death
    and made life shine through the gospel.

    If I can even touch her clothes, I'll be saved.
    + From the Gospel according to Mark Mc5, 21-43
    At that time, when Jesus had once again passed by boat on the other side, a large crowd gathered around him and he stood by the sea. And one of the chiefs of the synagogue came, named Jairus, who, as he saw him, threw himself at his feet and begged him with insistence: "My little daughter is dying; come and lay your hands on her, that she may be saved and alive". He went with him. A lot of people followed him and clutched around him. Now a woman, who had been bleeding for twelve years and had suffered a great deal through the work of many doctors, spending all her possessions without any advantage, rather worsening, hearing of Jesus, came into the crowd and from behind touched his cloak. In fact, she said, "If I can even touch her garments, I will be saved. And immediately the flow of blood stopped and she felt in her body that she was cured of evil. And immediately Jesus, realizing the strength that had come out of him, turned to the crowd and said, "Who touched my clothes?". His disciples said to him, "You see the crowd gathering around you and say, "Who touched me?"". He looked around to see who had done this. And the woman, fearful and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came, threw herself before him and told him the whole truth. And he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be healed of your evil. She was still talking when they came from the house of the head of the synagogue to say, "Your daughter is dead. Why do you still disturb the Master?". But Jesus, hearing what they said, said to the head of the synagogue, "Fear not, just have faith! And he did not allow anyone to follow him, except Peter, James and John, James' brother. They came to the house of the head of the synagogue and he saw bustle and people crying and screaming loudly. When he came in, he said to them, "Why do you get upset and cry? The child is not dead, but asleep. And they laughed at him. But he, having driven everyone out, took with him the child's father and mother and those who were with him and entered where the child was. He took the child's hand and said to her: "Talità kum", which means: "Girl, I say to you: get up!". And immediately the girl stood up and walked; she was twelve years old. They were taken by great amazement. And he insisted that no one should know and told them to feed her.
    Word of the Lord.

  2. FAUSTI - "Your faith has saved you", Jesus says to the woman; and to the father of the dead girl. "Continue to have faith. The two episodes, framed and bound by the words "save", "believe" and "touch" (take the hand) complement each other and illustrate what faith is and what its power is. Faith is "touching" Jesus, His power saves in death.
    Communion with Him overcomes our mortal illness and death itself.
    The woman and the girl are the figure of all of us. Like the first, for twelve years, that is, from always, we lose our lives, far from the Lord.
    Only if we touch Him are we saved, because He is our life.
    Like the second one, in the age of a husband, we die sick of love if the Bridegroom who takes our hand does not come. In fact, our life is to love him when we are loved by him.
    The central theme is therefore faith, that "touching" that saves.
    Touching implies closeness. The first and fundamental form of knowledge is contact with others.
    In it one's own limit becomes a place of communion.
    Finally, there is an external and an internal touch that takes and transforms the heart.
    Touching is contrasted with crushing. While this will result in the seizure and killing of Jesus, it releases from Him His strength of Life.
    Salvation, also invoked by the disciples on the boat, comes from this faith.
    It allows us to touch him and to be grasped by him, who before us and for us has slept.
    The woman did not dare to be seen: being unclean, she was forbidden to touch him.
    On the other hand, our relationship with God and our search for Him can only land behind His back, as Moses was told: "You will see my shoulders, but my Face cannot be seen" (Ex 33:23). "If I touch even His garments..."
    (He will leave them for us on the cross, taking in exchange our nakedness.)
    This faith is not magic or fetishism, the salvation of man is truly Communion with God, now possible through the flesh that the Son has clothed himself with...
    The woman knows her own healing in the body, but does not yet know in the spirit the One who healed her. Jesus, known the energy that came out of him, the strength of God, life that overcomes death, seeks with his gaze and the Word the one who believed in him, to dialogue with her.
    Now she stands before him to answer him and falls on his feet to adore him.
    His truth was his incurable evil, his despair of himself and everything, his hope in him, his touch and his healing.
    But only in speaking of all this with Him is faith fulfilled.
    The disciple is like the woman, the daughter of Zion who touches Jesus and is saved from his evil, she is like the dead girl, who resurrects at the touch of the Bridegroom.
    Faith heals us from the sin of mistrust that makes us ignore that we come from God and return to Him. Only in this way can we live and die in peace, knowing that we sleep with Christ, who first slept in our own boat, to awaken with Him.
    Jesus, in front of the girl's father and mother, takes his hand.
    He, too, will be taken and led to death, which is why he is now taking and taking away the girl from death.
    She belongs to Him, who came to take her hand.
    This contact with him and the sound of his voice awakens her.
    "Get up, my friend, my beauty, and come" (Ct 2:10). She walks along a path she did not know before: it is the path of life, full joy in her presence, endless sweetness at her right hand (Ps 16:11).


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