sabato 9 giugno 2018

B - 10 SUN.O.T.

2 commenti:

  1. SINGING TO THE GOSPEL (cf. Lk 11:27)
    Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    Now the prince of this world will be thrown out.
    And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to me.

    Satan is finished
    + From the Gospel according to Mark 3,20-25
    At that time, Jesus entered a house and again gathered a crowd, so that they could not even eat. Then his parents, having heard this, went out to go and get him; they said in fact: "He's out of himself". The scribes, who had come down from Jerusalem, said, "He is possessed by Beelzebubel and drives out demons by the head of demons. But he called them and in parables said to them, "How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided in itself, that kingdom cannot remain standing; if a house is divided in itself, that house cannot remain standing. Even Satan, if he rebels against himself and is divided, cannot stand, but is finished. No one can enter the house of a strong man and kidnap his possessions, unless he binds him first. Only then can he plunder his house. Verily I say unto you, All things shall be forgiven unto the children of men, the sins, and also all blasphemies which they shall say; but he that blasphemes against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven for ever: he is guilty of eternal guilt. For they said, "He is possessed of an unclean spirit," and his mother and brethren came, and standing outside, they sent to call him. A crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, "Behold, your mother, your brothers and sisters stand outside and seek you. But he said to them, "Who is my mother and who are my brothers?". Turning his gaze to those who were sitting around him, he said, "That's my mother and my brothers! Because whoever does God's will, this is my brother, sister, and mother.
    Word of the Lord.

  2. FAUSTI - "Who are my mother and brothers?" The problem with the passage is to discern whether we are with Him or against Him. Are we really His or unrelated to Him, are we in or out of Him, do we listen to His call or do we send Him to call, do we follow Him or do we want Him to follow us, do we let Himself be caught or do we want Him to be caught, do we accept His forgiveness or refuse Him, do we listen to the Spirit or do we blaspheme Him? All these questions touch upon the question of our salvation, which consists of being "with Him" as He really is, and not as we would like Him to be.
    The true food of man is the Word that comes out of the mouth of God (Dt 8:3), which expresses His Will.
    This is fully accomplished by those who circle around Him to listen to Him.
    The voice from the cloud will confirm by saying: "This is My beloved Son: listen to Him".
    He is the eternal Word of the Father.
    By listening to it, let us become his mother and brothers.
    Mother, like Mary, because She has the power to make us like Him.
    In fact, one becomes the Word that hears. The Father wants us to be listeners of the Son, because he wants us
    He puts us with Him because He wants us to be like Him.
    Belonging to the "barchetta" does not come from privileges.
    His" according to the flesh and blood are not yet part of it, nor are the wise, who believe they judge everything, even the Spirit.
    The true family of Jesus is made up of those who listen to Him. The whole following chapter will be about the effectiveness of His Word, the true seed from which the children of God are born.
    The previous passage ended with Judas betraying Him.
    Now we see that we betray Him because His call is opposed in us by a double counter call.
    The first is that of "his", inspired by common sense and good feelings, who want to kidnap him because he is crazy. In fact, he does not seek his own advantage and does not know how to exploit the situation.
    The other is that of the scribes, who instead of converting, use their wisdom to defend themselves.
    For them it is true only what is useful to maintain their certainties, false what calls them into question.
    They are not interested in following the Truth, but in skilfully using it to confirm their religious opinions and their positions of power.
    Jesus is at the center of the circle of those who do the Will of God.
    The Father wants everyone to be with Him. Listening to the serpent made us children of the devil: listening to Him restores our faces as children.
    A disciple is one who enters the circle of his listeners.
    On the contrary, even if he has all the titles - if he were also a relative! - and all the theological wisdom - even if it were the best scribe - is actually outside.
    He always runs the risk of being like his own who love him, but without knowing him and wanting him as he is, or like the scribes who know him, but do not love him and therefore judge him according to their religious criteria.
    Whoever listens to Him not only becomes Him, becoming His brother and sister. He mysteriously participates in the very motherhood of Mary, who generated Him in the world.


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