venerdì 27 aprile 2018


2 commenti:

  1. (Gv 15,4.5)
    R. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    Remain in me and I in you, says the Lord;
    Whoever remains in me bears much fruit.
    R. Hallelujah.

    Whoever stays in me, and I in him, bears much fruit.
    + From the Gospel according to John 15,1-8
    At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: "I am the true vine and my Father is the farmer. Every branch that bears no fruit in me, he cuts it, and every branch that bears fruit, he prunes it so that it bears more fruit. You are already pure, because of the word that I have announced to you. Stay in me and I in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself if it does not remain in the vine, neither can you if you do not remain in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, bears much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. Whoever does not remain in me is thrown away like a branch and dried up; then they pick it up, throw it into the fire and burn it. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for what you want and it will be done to you. My Father is glorified in this: may you bear much fruit and become my disciples.
    Word of the Lord.

  2. FAUSTI - "I AM the vine", the real one, as he said he was the bread, the real one.
    He is the true vine, unlike others that do not bear fruit, like the true bread, different from other foods that do not satisfy, the true light, different from other flashes that do not illuminate.
    The vineyard is the symbol of the people of the Covenant.
    Here the vine is substituted for the vineyard, from the collective to the individual who represents everyone.
    This passage from the multiple to the One is fundamental: in Him, the Son, we all become children, true people of God, who bear the fruit of the Covenant.
    In Jesus, Son of Man and Son of God, finally the eternal Covenant of God finds an answer in man.
    The Father is compared to the farmer, or better, to the hard-working and experienced, loving and patient winegrower who cultivates his vineyard. The union between the Son and every man is like that between the vine and the branch.
    They have one life and produce the same fruit.
    In Him, True Life, we return to God and His Covenant.
    Being or dwelling "in" Him is a condition for living and being fruitful. Jesus spoke of abundant masses and of wheat that bears much fruit (12:24). To bear no fruit is to be outside the command and the fundamental blessing of the Creator who wants creatures to share in His fruitfulness.
    The fruit of which we speak will only be clear at the end.
    Unfortunately we can be disciples of Jesus only in words, without living His Word.
    It is a severe warning because we do not love in words or with our tongue, but with deeds and in truth. But if we do not live by Him and do not love our brothers and sisters, we are dead branches, we are not children, who exclude themselves from the Son and the Father, cut off from the source of life. This is the drama of man, but also of God who will find His solution on the Cross, where green wood carries within itself the curse of dry wood. "For God so loved the world that he gave the Only Begotten Son" (3:16). In the Covenant, both Old and New, God is always faithful.
    What is missing is our response, left to our freedom.
    The Word reveals our truth, it is a constant exorcism that frees us from lies.
    The Word of the Lord is Spirit and Life (6:63): it communicates to us the Spirit, the Life of the Son.
    The Baptism of Christ is above all an immersion in the Word, which makes us know and love it.
    "Remain in me" It is an imperative: the Lord begs us to be branches united to the vine.
    We dwell in Him by dwelling in His Love for us, the source of our mutual love.
    To love Jesus and to do His Will is an act of our freedom, which no one, not even God, can do in our place.
    We are always in Him because He loves us
    The union with Him, not only affective but also effective, is the very possibility of a fruitful life.
    It corresponds to the enthusiastic "being in Christ" of Paul, the refrain of all his letters.
    Our action springs from what we are: united to the Son we are children and we can bear fruits of fraternal love.
    Especially in apostolic action, our union with the Lord is decisive.
    If we do not know Him, we are wrong to do good, if we do not love Him, we lack the strength to do so.
    Here John is speaking of our "Life in the Spirit",
    indispensable for glorifying and witnessing to the world the Love of the Father and the Son.
    Not to dwell in Him, the life of what exists, is equivalent to being already dead. The warning is addressed to the disciples, so that they may dwell in Him, in His Love, so that He may dwell in them. Otherwise, all their activity is straw, which will be burned.


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