sabato 14 aprile 2018


2 commenti:

  1. SINGING TO THE GOSPEL (cf. Lk 24:32)
    R. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    Lord Jesus, let us understand the Scriptures;
    Our hearts burn as you speak to us.
    R. Hallelujah.

    It is written: the Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day.
    + From the Gospel according to Luke 24,35-48
    At that time, [the two disciples who had returned from Emmaus] told [the Eleven and those who were with them] what had happened along the way and how they had recognized [Jesus] in breaking the bread. While they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood in their midst and said, "Peace be to you! Upset and full of fear, they thought they saw a ghost. But he said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and feet: it is me! Touch me and look; a ghost has no flesh and blood, as you can see I have. In saying this, he showed them his hands and feet. But since for joy they still didn't believe and were full of amazement, he said, "Do you have anything to eat here?". They offered him a portion of roasted fish; he took it and ate it before them. Then he said, "These are the words I said to you when I was still with you: all the things written about me in the law of Moses, in the Prophets and in the Psalms must be fulfilled. Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures and said to them: "Thus it is written: the Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and in his name the conversion and forgiveness of sins will be preached to all peoples, beginning in Jerusalem. Of this you are witnesses".
    Word of the Lord.

  2. S. FAUSTI- "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see!" It is our holy envy and Luke's envy for the first disciples, who saw Him that they witnessed to us. Here we are told how even though they have seen and touched him, they too must, like us, recognize and believe Him through the memory of His Word and His Banquet.
    The Word and the Bread are the constant presence of the Risen One in His Church.
    The first explains the promise of God to us and touches us, warming our hearts, the second opens our eyes to its realization, is seen in the gift of Himself.
    In this way, we also experience for ourselves the truth of what the eyewitnesses have transmitted to us and we make our own the cry of wonder for the great work of God: "truly the Lord has risen and was seen by Simon".
    In this passage Luke directly connects our recognition with experience of Simon and that of others with him. The difference between us and them lies in the fact that they contemplated and touched His Flesh also physically, while we contemplate it and touch it only spiritually, through the witness of their word and the Eucharistic memorial. What they touched with their hands, touches our hearts and gives us new eyes.
    Luke insists very much on the corporeity of the Risen Lord. It is in controversy with the Hellenistic environment, which believed in the immortality of the soul, but not in the resurrection of bodies.
    With this lies or falls both the promise of God and the very hope of man to overcome the ultimate enemy, death.
    This victory is the fruit of the tree of the Cross, where God's solidarity with our evil is offered to us.
    The key to reading and synthesizing the scriptures is the Crucified One, which offers us the vision of a God who is infinite love and mercy.
    His Resurrection is almost a corollary, which confirms on the one hand His Divinity and on the other hand the gift that has come to bring us.
    In His name, the conversion and remission of sins is proclaimed to all.
    In Him we see the Truth of the One from whom the lie made us turn away, and we return to turn to Him, who is our Life. At the foot of the cross our fear of God and our flight from Him ceases, because we see that He has always addressed us and forgives us forever.
    The disciples will be witnesses of this: they will make known to all the brothers the Lord Jesus as the new Face of God and Salvation of man.
    The strength of this witness is the Holy Spirit, the power from on high. As he descended upon Mary, He will descend upon them. The incarnation of God in history not only continues, but thus reaches its definitive stage. We are in the last days, when we live what is forever.
    God has made His solidarity with man perfect: at the time of the ancients He was "before us" as the law to lead us to the promised land; at the time of Jesus He was "with us" to open up and teach us the way to the Father; now, in the time of the Church, He is "in us" as a new life.
    The Father, in His Love, has given us the Son; the Son, in the same Love, has given us His Spirit; now the Spirit is our full Life in the Son, in whom we love the Father and our brothers and sisters.
    Jesus has completed His Mission.
    We continue it in space and time.
    In Him and like Him, we are close to all our brothers and sisters, sharing the Word and the Bread with them, healing their mortal wounds with oil and wine.
    From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, the universe and all it contains, everything will be filled with Glory.
    Then man will have fully found himself. And he and his history will be saved.


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