venerdì 20 luglio 2018

B - 16 SUNDAY O.T.

2 commenti:

  1. Song to the Gospel Jn 10:27
    Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord,
    I know them and they follow me.

    Gospel Mk 6, 30-34
    They were like sheep without a shepherd.

    From the Gospel according to Mark
    At that time, the apostles gathered around Jesus and told him everything they had done and everything they had taught. And he said to them, "Come aside, you alone, into a desolate place, and rest a little. For there were many who came and went, and they did not even have time to eat.
    Then they went by boat to a deserted place on the sidelines. But many saw them leave and understood, and from all the cities they came there on foot and preceded them.
    When he got off the boat, he saw a great crowd, he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he began to teach them many things.

  2. S. FAUSTI - "Come, you alone, on the sidelines" says Jesus to His own who return from the first sowing, to lead them to the place where he will give the bread, In the synagogue (meeting) in the center is the Word; here in the center is the One who sent them, and now invites them in solitude, in the desert.
    It will be the new synagogue, a people gathered to listen to His Word and receive His food.
    This passage is the immediate prelude that frames and gives the interpretative key to the multiplication of the loaves. It tells us the basic characteristics of the Church, which is in close connection with the Eucharist.
    In fact, the Eucharist makes the Church and the Church makes the Eucharist.
    The Community of the disciples is first of all constituted by gathering before Jesus, the only referent of each and every one. The Mission, as it starts from Him, thus leads to Him, without distracting from Him, on the contrary leading all the others to Him.
    In this meeting, or synagogue, there is a confrontation of what is done and said with what He has done and said (Acts 1:1), a measure of everything.
    Our prophecy is the memory of Him, the fulfilment of every promise.
    In this dialogue with the Word, we feel the invitation to the desert, that is, to exodus, to find true rest, in intimacy with Him, who communicates His secret to us. It will be the Eucharist, where we eat and live with Him and Him, together with all those who want to follow Him.
    "This compassion is not an attribute of God, it is God Himself, in the depths of His gratuitous Love, who will come to light on the Cross.
    Jesus is a Candidate Shepherd not out of a desire for power, but because he is an immolated Lamb who gives his life for the sheep. According to the promise, God himself becomes the Shepherd of His people (Ez 34:1).
    The first bread he gives is His Word. For "not only of bread shall man live, but of every word that comes out of the mouth of God" (Dt 8:3).
    Sooner or later, material food will fail, as will life itself.
    But His Word and His faithfulness endure for ever.


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