sabato 19 maggio 2018


3 commenti:

  1. Singing to the Gospel
    Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful
    and light in them the fire of your love.

    Gospel Jn 15, 26-27; 16, 12-15
    The Spirit of Truth will guide you to the whole truth.

    From the Gospel according to John
    At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: "When the Paraclitus comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me; and you also bear witness, for you have been with me from the beginning.
    I still have many things to say to you, but at the moment you are not able to bear the burden. When he comes, the Spirit of truth will guide you to the whole truth, because he will not speak for himself, but he will say all that he has heard and he will announce to you the things to come. He will glorify me, for he will take from that which is mine, and he will proclaim it to you. All that the Father possesseth is mine; therefore I have said that he shall take from that which is mine, and he shall proclaim it unto you.

    1. Promise and revelation of Jesus at the Easter Supper

    3. When the time for Jesus Christ to leave this world was near, he announced to the apostles "another consoler" (állon parákleton: Jn 14:16). The evangelist John, who was present, writes that during the Paschal Supper before the day of his passion and death, Jesus addressed them with these words: "Whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son...". I will pray to the Father, and he will give you another consoler, that he may always remain with you, the Spirit of truth" (Jn 14:13, 16-17). It is precisely this Spirit of truth, Jesus calls Paraclete - and parákletos means "comforter", and also "intercessor", or "lawyer". And he says that he is "another" consoler, the second, because he himself, Jesus, is the first consoler, being the first bearer and donor of the Good News. The Holy Spirit comes after him and thanks to him, to continue in the world, through the Church, the work of the Good News of salvation.

  3. FAUSTI - The Spirit, as sent by the Father (14:26), is also sent by the Son. The Father, the origin of the Son, is the principle of love.
    The Son is the response to this love.
    The Spirit of truth will bear witness to the disciples who Jesus is and will make known to them the Son and the Father.
    By giving us the love of the Son, he will enable us to bear witness of Him to the world. The disciples can bear witness to him because, being with him from the beginning, they have seen him.
    The whole of history is the fulfillment of the revelation of the Son, in the light of love that increases knowledge and knowledge that grows in love.
    For the disciples, as for Jesus, ignorance and hatred of the world become the place where the knowledge of the Father and the love of the brothers and sisters are witnessed.
    Jesus, with his departure, told us everything about God, he cannot tell us or give us more. But love surpasses all knowledge.
    There is always one more thing to understand, which remains unspoken.
    The Spirit will make us understand the "unspoken" of what Jesus said to us, will make His presence present in history, speaking here and now of what He said then.
    The Word, the principle of everything, has a specific weight superior to any reality.
    Only after the cross, where we see and welcome His love, do we understand what Jesus said and are able to carry the weight of His Words.
    If the Gospel tells us about Jesus, the Spirit of love is like the light that makes us understand and live it.
    It is true that the flesh of Jesus showed us glory.
    But this is never totally understood, it will always be more understandable, infinitely, because it is infinite.
    It is a dynamic truth, a journey of understanding and endless love.
    Once the "saying" of Jesus has ceased, the "speaking" of the Spirit in us, who will make His Words present to us, will continue.
    The Word that has become flesh has revealed everything to us. The Spirit repeats it to us and announces it again, giving us the light to interpret it and live it in our concrete situation.
    The Spirit of Truth will make us understand the mystery of the Son in history: it is the Spirit of prophecy who makes us read what happens in the light of "He who comes".
    What happened to Him happens and will happen to every disciple, in every place and time.
    Our prophecy is an actualizing remembrance of Jesus: it shows us what He does, now as then. Indeed, it gives us to see reality with His Sonly eyes, which are the same as those of the Father.
    In fact, Jesus says: "I have given them the glory that You have given me", so that "the Love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them".
    The Comforter will glorify in us the Son, His communion with the Father, communicating it to us.
    The Son is One with the Father (10:30): he has the same life and the same glory, the same love and the same will to save the world.
    The Spirit transmits all this to us, introducing us into the mystery of the Trinity: Love between Father and Son, which pours out on every creature.
    In this way we enter more and more into His ineffable relationship as Son with the Father, becoming ourselves children.
    Then our flesh, like His, will be exegesis of the invisible God.


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