giovedì 26 marzo 2015

B - PALM SUNDAY Mk 15,1 - 47

1 commento:

    (Mk 14,1-15,47) "While she was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, while she was at the table, came a woman who had an alabaster vase, full of pure nard perfume, of great value; she broke the alabaster and poured it on her head" "How much for this waste? These words about the woman express well my feeling before the passion of the Lord: why this waste of Love? Couldn't she spare herself a bit? Whoever understands this excess enters into the mystery of God. Mark gives the central account of our faith with this very delicate scene.
    Throughout the Gospel, the gesture of the woman is the only one that Jesus accepts and approves without reservation. Only He understands it and only She understands it. What he does is called a beautiful work, the Gospel.
    It is the bride's response to the Bridegroom, she does what He Himself will do.
    The plot to kill him and the betrayal are the dark frame that acts as a counterpoint to the brightness of the scene and indicates the situation of those who are not on the side of the woman.
    The story is a precious vase, from which the scent of many hidden mysteries emanates. In fact, the anointing of women is the Consecration of Jesus who, in addition to being a Messiah, also a Prophet, Priest, Altar and Victim, reveals to us what faith is: to recognize Jesus, poor and dying, as our Lord and Savior, loving him with all our hearts.
    Moreover, what this woman does is a figure of what Jesus will do on the cross: the vase of her body will be broken and the scent of God will go out on the whole earth. In him, in fact, the whole fullness of the divinity dwells corporally (Col 2:9).
    His perfume will spread precisely from the Cross, where his name will be known and glorified even by the most distant people.
    "There we prepare ourselves for ourselves": Jesus says to his disciples, indicating how to find the place for the banquet. It is Thursday, Easter Eve. Four times the verb to prepare comes out and four times the end of Easter.
    For this reason it is necessary to identify what the teacher calls "my resting place, where I can eat Easter with my disciples".
    The entire Gospel of Mark is a long introduction to the narrative of the death and resurrection of Jesus and wants to lead us to this place, where the Eucharist is celebrated, our Easter.
    Jesus is the Sacrificed Lamb, who consciously and freely gave himself for us.
    He is our Easter, liberation from all evil.
    "While they were eating, Jesus said: one of you will free me. Then comes the night.
    Since for the Jews the sunset marks the change of date, we are at the beginning of Friday, his sixth day in Jerusalem.
    In the Genesis account of this day God created man, who immediately departed from Him.
    From then on, he began to look for him, crossing every distance to reach him.
    The cross, now imminent, will be the farthest point, beyond which he can no longer escape.
    There he will finally meet him.


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