sabato 8 settembre 2018

B - 23 SUNDAY O.T.

2 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI - "EPHPHATHA, that is, open up," Jesus said to the deaf mute. And the closed ear opens to hear his voice, the bound tongue unravels to say the word that saves.
    God is invisible. Every image we make of him is an idol.
    The only true Saint Voult is that of the Son who listens to him.
    The word distinguishes man from animals. It does not belong to a specific species, but determines its species by what it means.
    Indeed, by its nature, it is not what is, but what it becomes;
    and it becomes the word to which the ear lends its ear and gives its answer.
    God is the Word, communication and self-giving.
    Man is first an ear, then a tongue. By listening to him, he is able to answer him: he enters into dialogue with him and becomes his partner united to him and similar to him.
    The Judeo-Christian religion, even if it loves the book, is not a fetishism of the letter.
    And "the religion of the word and listening, that is, of communion with the One who speaks.
    For that to be deaf and dumb is the greatest evil. In the previous chapter, she "heard" Jesus,
    and "she said" the word that saves. The disciples still have ears and still do not hear. They have a hard heart unable to understand bread and profess. "It is the Lord! ".
    It is the penultimate miracle of the first part of the Gospel and the third last of all. Only two healings of blindness follow. First there is listening to the word, then there is the illumination of faith.
    Those who remain deaf, cannot see. Only the heart can hear the truth of what you see.
    Like all miracles, too, even more explicitly than others, it means what the Lord wants to do in each listener. We are all deaf, selective at his word.
    As creatures, we only give what we receive, so let's just say what we have listened to.
    Jesus is the doctor, who came to give us the ability to listen and dialogue with him...
    The messianic secret is going to dissolve, because its bread puts us today, unequivocally, in front of its truth. But no one understands it anymore or sees it. He only has to cure our deafness and recognized blindness.
    In this story, we also see the stages of our journey of faith.
    Everyone is called to follow personally with Jesus the same path of the people of Israel, represented in this deaf stammering deaf man...
    Jesus is proclaimed as the one who "has made all things beautiful: makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak."
    The second declaration clearly recognizes him as the Savior and Messiah, while the first secretly recognizes him as the Creator God, who did everything and saw that it was beautiful.
    The disciple, like everyone else, is devouring chatter, but deaf and without expression before the Word that makes him man.
    Jesus healed him so that he can be part of the people who hear and respond to Him who says:
    "Listen, Israel..." (Dt 6,4)

  2. Isaiah 35:4-7a.
    Tell people who are panicking: "Be strong, don't be afraid. This is your God: it is revenge that comes, God's revenge. He comes himself and will save you. »
    Then shall the eyes of the blind be loosened, and the ears of the deaf shall be opened.
    Then the lame man will leap like a stag, and the mouth of the mute will cry out for joy; for the water will spring in the wilderness, from the streams in the arid land.
    The burning earth will turn into a lake, the region of thirst into gushing waters.

    Psalm 146(145),6c.7-8.9a.9bc.10.
    The Lord keeps his fidelity forever,
    he does justice to the oppressed;
    to the hungry, he gives the bread;
    the Lord unties the chained.

    The Lord opens the eyes of the blind,
    the Lord straightens up the overwhelmed,
    the Lord loves the righteous,
    the Lord protects the stranger.

    He supports the widow and the orphan,
    he misplaces the wicked man's steps.
    From age to age, the Lord will reign:
    your God, O Zion, forever!

    Letter from James 2:1-5.
    My brothers and sisters, in your faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord of glory, have no bias towards people.
    Let us imagine that, in your assembly, a man with a shiny garment, wearing a gold ring, and a poor man with a dirty garment arrive at the same time.
    You turn your eyes to the one wearing the gleaming garment and say to him: "Sit here, in a good place"; and you say to the poor man: "You, stand there", or else: "Sit at the bottom of my footstool".
    Isn't that making differences between you, and judging according to false criteria?
    Listen, my beloved brothers! Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to make them rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom promised by him to those who have loved him?

    Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. Mark 7:31-37.
    At that time, Jesus left the territory of Tyre; passing through Sidon, he headed towards the Sea of Galilee and went into the middle of the Decapolis territory.
    People brought him a deaf man who also had difficulty speaking and begged Jesus to lay his hand on him.
    Jesus took him away from the crowd, put his fingers in his ears, and, with his saliva, touched his tongue.
    Then, looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to her: "Effata! "Open up!" »
    His ears opened; his tongue loosened, and he spoke correctly.
    Then Jesus ordered them not to tell anyone about it; but the more he gave them this order, the more they proclaimed it.
    Extremely struck, they said, "He did all things well: He made the deaf hear and the dumb speak. »


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