sabato 11 agosto 2018


1 commento:

  1. "Hold on to her sweetest Mother, who in the small cloister of her sacred breast gathered and in her virginal womb brought Him whom the heavens could not contain... It is now clear that the most worthy of all creatures, that is, the soul of faithful man, is by the grace of God greater than heaven. While heaven, in fact, with all the other things created, cannot contain the Creator, the faithful soul, on the other hand, and it alone, is its dwelling place and residence, and so only by virtue of the charity of which the ungodly are deprived. It is the same Truth that assures him, saying, He who loves me, will be loved by my Father; and I will also love him; and we will come to him and place our abode in him. - As, then, the glorious Virgin of virgins carried Christ materially into her womb, so too, by following your vestiges, especially of humility and poverty, in your chaste and virginal body you can always, without any doubt, carry him spiritually. And you will contain in yourself the One by whom you and all creatures are contained, and you will possess what, in comparison with all the transient goods of this world, is much more stable and definitive possession. - Clare of Assisi


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