sabato 7 luglio 2018

B - 14 SUNDAY O.T.

2 commenti:

  1. SING TO THE GOSPEL (Lc 4,18)
    R. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    The Spirit of the Lord is upon me:
    He sent me to bring the good news to the poor.
    R. Hallelujah.

    A prophet is not despised except in his own country.
    + From the Gospel according to Mark 6,1-6
    At that time, he came to his homeland and his disciples followed him. When he arrived on the Sabbath, he began to teach in the synagogue. And many, listening, were amazed and said, "Where do these things come from? And what wisdom is that which has been given him? And wonders like those done by his hands? Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, Joses, Judah and Simon? And his sisters are not here with us?". And it was a scandal for them. But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not despised except in his own country, among his relatives, and in his own house. And there he could not perform any miracle, but only laid hands on a few sick people and healed them. And he wondered about their disbelief. Jesus went through the villages around, teaching.
    Word of the Lord.

  2. FAUSTI - "And he wondered about their non-faith" His people marvel at Jesus, and they are scandalized that the Wisdom and Action of God is in "this" man they know well.
    He too, in turn, was astonished: he came among His own, he was not received!
    With Jesus we find ourselves before the scandal of a God made Flesh, who is subject to the law of human toil and need, of work and food, of wakefulness and sleep, of life and death.
    We would like it to be different.
    We like to share His prerogatives: the less we like Him to share ours, which we would gladly do without.
    But "His Flesh" is the centre of the Christian faith. To recognize it or not is equivalent to being from God or not (1 Jn 4:2).
    In His humanity, in what He does and says, in what we do and undergo - in His concrete history, the mature fruit of Israel's journey - God reveals Himself and gives Himself definitively.
    In it it touches every man and from it springs forth His Wisdom and His saving Power.
    As a deep vein of perennial water gushes from the spring, so God comes out of Himself and communicates Himself to all through the Man Jesus of Nazareth.
    We say . "If I saw him, if I touched him, I would believe him!" Nothing more false! His parents refused him precisely because they saw him and touched him - indeed, crushed him.
    We always have the possibility of inventing one according to our fantasies.
    Faith is not to ascertain that Jesus is God - the God we think of!"- but to accept that God, the God we didn't think of, is this man Jesus.
    That God whom no one has ever seen, He has revealed to us (Jn 1:18).
    The scandal of faith, the same for all, is that the Wisdom and Power of God speaks and works in the madness and powerlessness of a love made flesh, which marries all our limits, to the extreme weakness of the cross. In fact, "he was crucified for his weakness" (2 Cor 13:4).
    How can the wonders of God be worked by his hands as a worker, who certainly, on the Sabbath, are as tired as ours? It is the scandal of the Christian faith: in the man Jesus, in all things similar to us, dwells corporally all the fullness of the Divinity (Col 2:9).
    "There is no prophet despised except in his own country." This is the bitter observation of Israel's refusal, behind which the refusal of humanity is looming.
    Faith is accepting Him as My God and My Lord. It is a contact that releases energy from Him. He is Life. Whoever has open hands receives the gift without any other measure than his need.
    Incredulity is the closed hand of those who, like his own, make rights and claims.
    The Lord, as he marvels at our unfaithfulness, marvels also at our faith (Mt 8:10). The use we make of our freedom is something new for Him, a source of amazement.
    Our faith or non-faith is the only thing that can amaze God, because it depends on us.
    He marvels when he is there and says: "How beautiful, I did not expect it!" It marvels when it is missing and says. "What more can I do?


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