sabato 31 marzo 2018


3 commenti:

  1. Singing to the Gospel (1 Cor 5:7-8)
    Hallelujah, hallelujah.
    Christ, our Easter, was sacrificed:
    Let us celebrate in the Lord.
    Jn 20:1-9
    He was to rise from the dead.
    From the Gospel according to John

    On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdalene went to the tomb in the morning, when it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb.
    He ran then and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said to them, "They have taken the Lord away from the tomb and we do not know where they have placed him!
    Peter then went out with the other disciple and went to the tomb. They both ran together, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and came first to the tomb. He bent down, saw the sheets laid there, but did not enter.
    Meanwhile Simon Peter, who was following him, also arrived and entered the tomb and observed the cloths laid there, and the shroud - which had been on his head - not laid there with the cloths, but wrapped in a separate place.
    Then came the other disciple, who had come first to the tomb, and saw and believed. For they had not yet understood the Scripture, that he should rise from the dead.

  2. FAUSTI - The Evangelist, recalling together the first and last day, alludes to the fact that we entered the day of the Lord, the fulfilment of everything in God and of God in everything. God, creating the world,
    had in sight the Resurrection of His Son, in which the whole universe is redeemed from death.
    Before the burial there was talk of the preparation of "that Sabbath, which was a solemn day", that is Easter
    This first day after Saturday is the eighth day: it is "Sunday". on the day of the Lord, when Saturday, Easter and Pentecost are celebrated together.
    In it lives the new creation, redeemed from evil and full of the Spirit.
    The other Gospels also remember the other women. John only mentions Mary Magdalene, making her the typical disciple. In fact, she was at the foot of the cross, under the tree where the Bridegroom woke her up. Now, after seeing him elevated, he looks for him where they have placed him.
    Mary expects to find the Body of Jesus there. The tomb, the fundamental memory of man, is built by the affection of those who live, for those who have died.
    Mary cannot understand.
    She runs to announce the disappearance of Jesus.
    Think that they have stolen Him.
    She has not yet understood that love overcomes death.
    "She comes to Simon Peter and the other disciple.
    Peter, who has denied, is appointed first. He is placed as the first of the disciples because he has experienced what does us disciples.. The Lord's faithfulness to our infidelity.
    The "other disciple" is not simply the other between two, but the other, the different.
    In fact, he placed his head in the womb and on the chest of Jesus, who then saw pierced.
    Normally he is called "the disciple whom Jesus loved". Now that he has seen Him on the cross, he is called a friend.
    Peter and the other run together. But this is faster... He first arrives at the tomb, as he first comes to believe and see the Risen One. In fact, the heart puts wings at the feet and at the mind. The friend, who loves as he is loved, precedes the one who is first of the disciples: the primacy is always of love
    The friendly disciple does not enter; he waits for Peter, as a sign of esteem for him.
    But he looks inside and sees the linens lying down. The linens, which enveloped the Body of Jesus, are spread out: the tomb has become the wedding bed, prepared by the Bridegroom for anyone who enters it.
    And all of us, sooner or later we enter. There, however, we do not encounter the dominion of death, but full Communion with the Lord of life.
    Death is no longer death: our absolute limit is Communion with Him who is absolute Love for us.
    Peter comes to the tomb following the other disciple, who had already preceded him in the house of Caiaphas.
    Following those who love, we are introduced into the mystery of Jesus, into His passion for us.
    Peter enters and sees what the other has also seen, standing outside.
    They also see the linen lying down and the shroud apart, wrapped in a place.
    The shroud is the veil of death, the blanket that covers all peoples. (Is 25:7).
    It was on His head, like the hem of a mantle of one who is sleeping
    Now that he has woken up, he has taken it off.
    It is not, however, with the linen lying down, but put apart, wrapped in a specific place.
    God is no longer there.
    The Glory dwells in the Body of Jesus, the new sanctuary, where God removes every veil from His and our Face.
    In him we see "I am" face to face.
    One obvious thing is not said in the text. The reader certainly feels it, as do the two disciples:
    from those linens emanates the scent of the hundred pounds of myrrh and aloe, mentioned shortly before in the story.

  3. -->Seeing this, the beloved disciple believes in Jesus, Lord of life, even without having seen him. He is the prototype of those who, after him, will believe in Jesus without seeing him. through the signs told by the evangelist himself.
    This "other" disciple sees with the heart.
    Love is the principle of faith, which gives life.
    The connection between seeing and believing means that faith, far from being blind,
    is a good eye for reality.


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