venerdì 3 aprile 2015


1 commento:

  1. St. Mary, woman of the third day, awaken us from the sleep of the rock. And the announcement that Easter is also for us, come and bring it to us yourself, in the middle of the night.

    Don't wait for the dawn lights. Do not wait for women to come with ointments. Come first, with the reflections of the Risen One in your eyes and with the scents of your direct testimony.

    When the other Maries arrive in the garden, with their feet wet with dew, let them find us already awake and know that they have been preceded by you, the only spectator of the duel between life and death. Ours is not a lack of confidence in their words. But we feel the tentacles of death so close to us that their testimony is not enough for us. They have seen, yes, the triumph of the winner. But they have not experienced the defeat of the adversary. Only you can assure us that death was really killed, because you saw it lifeless on the ground.

    Saint Mary, woman of the third day, give us the certainty that, in spite of everything, death will no longer have a hold on us. That the injustices of the people have the days numbered. That the flashes of war are being reduced to twilight lights. That the sufferings of the poor have come to their last roars. That hunger, racism, drugs are the carry-over of old failed accounts. That boredom, loneliness, disease are the arrears due to ancient management. And that, finally, the tears of all the victims of violence and pain will soon be drained like frost by the spring sun.

    Santa Maria, a woman of the third day, rips the shroud of despair from our faces and rolls up the bandages of our sin forever, in a corner.

    In spite of the lack of work, of houses, of bread, comfort us with the new wine of joy and with the unleavened paschal gifts of solidarity.

    Give us some peace. Prevent us from dipping the traitor's morsel into the dish of bitter herbs. Free us from the kiss of cowardice. Preserve us from selfishness.

    And give us the hope that, when the time comes for the decisive challenge, for us as well as for Jesus, you may be the arbitrator who, on the third day, will finally homologate our victory.

    + Don Tonino Bello, Bishop


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